
I created this LO for the February newsletter at ASF.
I thought the paper was challenging to use, but I like how it turned out!
Love our friends!

Also overdue is a big thanks to uncle Rod!
He sent Q $5 for her birthday.
This year she really appreciates the value of a dollar and was in heaven at the dollar store!
The kids can earn almost $2 each week by doing their jobs, a nickel per job.
Each week or two we take them to the dollar store to spend their $.
Last week we took Q and she got to buy 7 things!
She was pretty stoked!
We asked if she wanted to save some of it or buy something bigger, like at Target, but she wanted the dollar store and that's what we did.
It kills me that of all the toys she could have she just wants 'glass' things!
I had to set a limit that she could only get a couple of glass things this time!
I'll have to take a photo of her glass collection!
The other thing she enjoys spending her $ on are the treats at the dance studio. I never have cash on me and every Saturday they have some sort of bake sale at the studio. She tells me when she wants to buy something after dance and spends her hard earned $ on a cupcake! It makes me proud to see her put her $ up there and have her know that it's all hers.

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