Umm, tired

I went to bed late last night... bad idea.
I would've gone to bed sooner had I known I'd need the extra time.
I slept/didn't sleep well last night.
I woke up choking on my vomit.
Did that gross you out?
I'm sure it did.
After a few false episodes and Q waking up crying... I imagined her having the same problems, but she just needed water... I settled down.
Matt got up, sweet thing, and got me about every pillow in our room!
I slept mostly upright for the rest of the night... which wasn't much!

Random, but did you know there is a genetic disease that kills people because they have incurable insomnia? We watched it on 20/20.

I talked to my sister Michelle last night!!!
I'll give her a wave in case she reads this! She's great!

I talked to my sister Candice yesterday. Love her too!

I called Matt's brother Lynn yesterday morning (sorry so early) to request a certain video that my son is suddenly obsessed with. These digital instruments play themselves and move to this music... G saw ONE blip and said, this is my FAVORITE. Ironically we saw this same video only once, while in UT, while at uncle Lynn's and G was super ill. Anyway, thanks Lynn for sending us the video! G is pumped!

I'm excited for Project Runway tonight. I don't know if I'm really 'rooting' for anyone, but I do think Chrisian is 'fierce'!! I've enjoyed this show!

Happy Hump day!
carolyn mcafee6 Comments