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I've been thinking of all these ways to write this down!!!
Nothing quite fits!
So, here you go... we're pregnant!
Yep, having #4, adding to the clan, we're totally serious, pregnant!

When I first found out all I could do was laugh!
The first few people I told were in shock... people still are... and the most natural of responses was laughter!!!
Am I serious???

I suppose that the myth of running a ton makes you infertile would be a bust for me. I was half way through my marathon training when I got preg with O and I was training for a half... to be run in just a couple of weeks... with this one! Matt thinks it's a sign from God that I should never run a marathon! It's open for interpretation!

I also do believe that a woman IS most fertile after having just had a baby. I DO believe!!!

We have not been able to plan ANY of our pregnancies. This one is no different!

We were thinking when O was a year we'd try for the 4th and final! Hmmmm.

This is the first child that I've had to 'adjust' to the thought of! Even with G being so close to Q I was ready, and wanted a child. This one was like a FREE GIFT WITH PURCHASE!!! And how could one NOT be happy with that? We didn't even have to work for it! No crying, no praying, no fretting, no extra doctor visits, nothing. Here you go, just have a free baby! How could we not be thrilled?

Now that I am used to the idea, which has taken me a little bit, I'm very excited! I've done close before and I think it will be great. Again, the fact that I was blind sided just sort of caught me off guard!

I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and got to see the little munchkin!

All doubts I had (still waiting for mother nature to make her visit) vanished when I saw our little #4. And, I'm quite excited to meet this little person who will debut in March of 2009.

Yep, I'm 11 weeks and my due date is 3/29/09. Just a couple of days after G's 5th birthday and a couple of days before Matt's 34 birthday. It is also just about a week and a half before O's first birthday! Love it! These two are going to share the same age for at least a few days!

What could be better? I've found that some of the most perfect things in life are the ones we have no control over. I'm coming out of the yucks, I'm readjusting to the body growing again, and I'm thinking this fabulous little person, who just could not wait to be with our family, is going to be the perfect addition!