She is 10!

I'm sorry, I have to post this!  I may just put this on my sidebar because I love it so much!
It CRACKS me up!  I was looking through for photos of my girl, this post really will be about her and the fact she is now 10... but I had to!

Do you know this was taken at the funeral of my BIL... I know, I'm totally inappropriate... but look at the laughter and joy... oh I love my family... and catching them off guard!

Ok, now my girl.  Much of this week we have been preparing for her big day/days.  She turned 10 yesterday.  We had a party for her on Saturday... I'll post all about that next.  For now, my girl.

We sat and looked through photos of her last night.  We laughed.  I held her tight on my lap. 
We all say it goes so fast, and it does.  I can still feel all of these moments with her like they are right in front of me. 
I'm glad.  I'm glad that we add to, that I get more years with her, more growth, more laughter, more hugs, more talks, more discovery into who she is.  I am so blessed she is my girl.  I love her so much. 
She helps me.  She helps me around the house, with the boys, she helps me correct more about myself, she helps me understand who I am better, because she is so much like me.
She is my buddy, my girl.
She loves to create, she has a very visual memory, she is a bit stubborn, she is a little shy.  She is beautiful.
I'm so glad she is my girl. 
Happy 10 little/big Q!

Birthday happenings to come....
(all photos c/o me CCMcAfee Photography)