My First Fashion Show...

Last week I attended my first fashion show!
I went as a photographer... who just happens to love fashion!

I left as a photographer, who loves fashion, that now would love to be involved in it more!

One of my goals as a photographer this year is to grow, try new things.  I wanted to start in fashion.
I contacted a local designer who happened to be putting together a fashion show.  That would be Steven Bales of Bales Clothing .  My goal was to photograph a fashion show, maybe also photograph some clothing.

He offered more and invited me to my first casting call, which was for the show I attended last week.
He also supplied me with some clothes... I took those, styled them and shot them.  See that post here.

I was also able to attend and photograph this event.
I loved it!
I don't get dolled up to this extreme very often!  I put on some dramatic makeup, wore my fancy dress and headed out...

I wasn't sure about many things for this event.  I was glad I had a couple of buddies there to welcome me!  Ashley ended up modeling in the show.  Loved having her there, and Diane.  Ash did great!
I networked, met many great people, including fellow photographers.  We had a great time getting to know each other, comparing shots, was totally fun!
Since this is not my photog blog I'm going to post about the fashions that I enjoyed from the show.
I did take all of these images.  There are many more on my FB page...
Some looks... that are edited :) that I enjoy...
First line Bales Clothing 

I do enjoy this little logo on all of this clothing line

 Livin' in the Buff... this is a great tshirt.

This girl is BEautiful!  This dress could be styled for a walk on the beach, add a scarf and wear it around town.  Some strappy sandals and a a great statement necklace for a night on the town...

Clothing from simply natural clothing by Holly Henderson
I loved this line.  This sweater is AMAzing!

Flapper!  Love!
Swimwear by La Maison De Pascale of Toronto, CA
I think this girl looks amazing! 

Love the cutout on these bottoms

 Fringe?  Yes please! 

I think this could be faublous for an editorial.
Designer: Rebecca Champlin

I'd totally buy this dress... if the top were in a fabric other than satin.

You may be suprised what my favorite piece was... I think I'm a little surprised!
This patterning is great right?  I love it!
I had such a great time!  Loved meeting, still meeting, new people through this event. 
I can check this off my to do list! 
I may not be finished with it though!