Sunday Best

I love Sunday's!
When I see my neighbors, they ask why I'm all dressed up!
I tell them I'm going to church and they say "I don't dress like that for church"!
I do!

Really, c'mon, what other time of the week do I have this excuse?
Can you imagine if I rocked this at the grocery store?  That is even less believable!

I take advantage of my Sunday's and get all primped and pretty!

top: DownEast
cardi: Charolette Russe
skirt: Boheme
shoes: Nina from DSW

 wrap bracelet made by me... CCMakesStuff
earrings: Burlington

I wore this for Easter Sunday.
This skirt is really old!  I've not been able to throw it out, I love it.  It's flowy, I love the patchwork, it's a great spring skirt.  I believe I got it at Chadwicks or something!
Busted out my blazer... loved it with this look... I didn't take many photos did I?
I paired it w/ my fab red shoes again, and my chunky red ball necklace.
I made my headband too... here is a different photo of it.

Yea for Sunday's!  They are the perfect start to a new week.