Swimming and Stitches

Friday's are for me here on the blog... I don't want to stray from the history keeping that I love so much.  I want to keep our memories and our daily life on record.  Heaven knows I can't remember a thing!
Have you ever printed a blog book?  They are totally great!
You are welcome, of course to peek into our life!

The kids are out of school next week.  I think the weather has had me fooled, it doesn't feel like summer! 

Today I took in strawberries for the 4th grade picnic and 50 water balloons for field days, not before I busted a nail and looked like I got into my own water fight!  As I filled the balloons up little E laughed as I kept spraying water all over myself.  It's one thing when it's nice and warm outside... as I've mentioned it just isn't!

Are you ready for Father's Day?  I went and picked up our gift today... yea!

Let me go back to last week.  We did have some sunshine on Tuesday.  We planned a little celebration for Rachel and Eliza's birthday's at Tara's.  The plan was to swim.  The morning was cold so I didn't bring our stuff.  It warmed up so I took a trip back home to get suits and life jackets.  I'm so glad I did.  The boys had so much fun swimming!  They both picked up where they left off last year, confident in the water.  E was not so much last year, this year there was no hesitation!  O was jumping off the side.  It was so fabulous. 

Love my girlfriends, so glad to have them.  It was great to sit around and visit, and bask in the sunshine... and eat cake!

PS I got a little Canon Powershot camera so I don't always have to lug around my big camera.  The photos are good enough, I'm happy to have a camera with me wherever I go... but I can of course tell the difference!

Tuesday evening was also Q's orchestra concert. 

The kids were all rowdy and playful that afternoon.  I'd asked Q several times to chill.  They took the party outside as I was cooking dinner.  All on the trampoline... next thing I know I hear screaming, O runs inside with panic all over his face, the tears streaming... E is all bloody, mom, there's blood.

I ran outside and sure enough my baby was screaming, his face covered in blood.  Not little blood, like war-scene from a movie blood.  It was gushing, he was spiting it out of his mouth.  I grabbed him and ran him inside, sent Q to get a rag of any kind.  I put the rag over his whole face, since I couldn't tell where the bleeding was coming from. 

When it slowed I saw the big slice right between his brows.  I think his nose bled too.  I asked if his mouth hurt, he said no.  I took him inside and cleaned him off a bit... blood was everywhere! 

He was able to calm down.  I've tried to practice breathing with him several times... mostly when he dies playing the WII!  I had G hold his head to stop the bleeding while I cleaned up the blood.  Sometimes that is the worst part for them... seeing all of the blood.  I reassured him.

O was a mess, so concerned for his brother, crying. 

We went and snuggled on the couch for a minute to get calm and stop the bleeding.  It was a pretty nice gash, wide. 

Stitches for sure.

I called Matt to come home.  I'd take E and he'd have to get Q to her concert on time.  Molly came over until M got home, fed the kids. 

Little O so wanted to go w/ his brother to make sure he was ok.  I loved hearing him tell E it was ok and to be brave.  Although, I asked if he'd rather go w/ Molly he didn't hesitate at all!  Quickly swayed!

By the time we left for the pediatric urgent care E was totally calm.  We checked in and got busy waiting!

Here he is in the first room...

We read while we waited.  He had to go potty and when he washed his hands he saw his face for the first time.  He stared, curious and said wow!

The NP came in to look and prepped him for stitches.  They put the holey napkin over his face and he closed his eyes.  I held his hands and told him to take a deep breath.  She cleaned him then started numbing him.  He did tell her to stop once, but he lay very still and was so good.  By the time she asked him if he could feel her poking he'd gone quiet. 

I tried to make him laugh, then asked... is anyone in there?  He'd totally fallen asleep!  What a rockstar!  It took the chick forever to stitch him up.  Her hands were all shaky!  At the widest part she attempted twice to stitch, apparently they ripped through the skin because they didn't hold.  She had to cut them off the one side then restitch with wider gauge.  I'm glad he was asleep!  He got 5 stitches.

We went this week to get his stitches out.  He has healed nicely.
He's been very cautious for me... who am I kidding!  I've kept him off the tramp and had to remind him no wrestling! 

 My goofballs waiting for the doctor.  If I'd been thinking at all I would've just asked Craig to take them out... that would've saved me a good $100.  Dang-it!

Q was very upset that I wouldn't be making it to her concert.  So sad.  She told M that she was glad he was there, but really wanted me there.  We'll have to do a make up concert next week.  I want to tape her playing her violin.