Tapering for the Marathon

In just a couple of days I'll be running the marathon.  I know, it's weird running a marathon on a Wednesday!   Here in UT it will be Pioneer Day and there will be many races run here!

I've felt really good about my training and I hope race day goes well.

It seems the taper is sometimes the hardest part of training.  Here are some articles for you to check out.  I think I've been smart about not getting too lax, still having purpose on my runs.  I want to pay attention to my eating these next couple of days... I've been feasting on way too much sugar these days!  I want to make sure my fuel tank is full!

Today I ran a couple of miles at a nice easy pace, then did a mile of speed intervals.  Tomorrow I'll just do a couple of easy miles at race pace.  Go, fight, win!

Three Most Common Tapering Mistakes
Not So Easy
Marathon Training Guide: Tapering