Utah Week 2

I'd been staying at Lynette's and hadn't even pulled out my laptop!  Now I'm back at Candice's so I have time to update here!  Here is last week's update... gotta stay on top of this!

Friday July 19
I ran this morning.  It felt harder to breathe in the valley than it did up in the mountain!  I thought I was running faster, but wasn't sure where the mile markers were.  Whatever!  I ran 4... running faster than a 7:30... averaging about 7:20 which feels like 7:30.

Q woke up feeling sick and threw up shortly thereafter.
B's fam were going to a softball tournament and initially we were going to go to that with them, then go swimming.
As it turned out, they went to the tournament and we stayed home.
Grandma made special pancakes for the kids.  She makes fun shapes and the kids love eating them!  It is one of their favorite things each year.  She'll hate that I posted this photo!!!

Q continued to vomit and they boys played legos and the wii together.  It was quite nice to just have a little break from all of the commotion.
Poor Q, didn't have a fever, but threw up several times.
She just watched Barbie movies all day... I watched a few with her, snuggled and loved her.  I did laundry since it was a down day.  The boys did so well together, it was nice to hear them playing, without fighting.

Grandma took my boys out for the second game after lunch time.  They all came home tired from the 100+ weather.  Since Q still wasn't good we bagged swimming.  I went to the store for a few things and made us all dinner.  Yum corn on the cob, sloppy joe's and baked beans.

B had offered to give Q a blessing, and after she threw up 2 more times we did.  I so appreciated that and am writing about it for my Sunday post.  It was touching to me and to Q.  She started feeling better right away.  We took it easy and continued to watch Barbie movies.  It was fun to sit with her all day, but a bummer for her and her cousins for her to be out of commission.

This was so cute, I love Kiersten, she is a great helper and she started playing w/ O, I think to help him feel happy, then they just continued playing legos...

After I got the kids all showered and to bed B,C and I watched TV.  They introduced me to White Collar and we started at season 1 episode 1, for me!  I really like it!  I'll add that to my other 2 shows I want to go back and watch from the start... The Mindy Project and New Girl.  We ate a bunch of junk and chatted!

Saturday July 20
Saturday I checked on my Q.  She was feeling much better.  We had breakfast, the kids played and I got us all packed up.  We met the C's at Murray pool and played for a few hours.  It was great to be reunited... we can't go the whole summer without seeing each other!  I'm so glad we could meet up!

The kids had a great time on the water slide, on the diving boards and in the shallow pool.  The girls played mermaids and the boys just wanted to go!  I'm so glad they had life jackets, O and E could go off the boards then!  It was a little high too!  I'm so proud of G, he's taught himself to swim!  He went off the boards a bunch of times too.  He loves it!  He's awesome!  I went off too.  Love to flip and dive!

It was great catching up with Molly, love her.  We reported on each other's trips, soaked up the sun, and caught our kids in the water.

We hit Chick-fil-A for lunch together, it was delish!  Molly and I dished and gabbed.  I plan to see her at the finish line after the marathon!

We then headed to Damon's house.  We caught up for a few minutes, got all settled then went to their ward carnival.  It was blasted hot, so we came back for swim suits.  They had several water things, water slide, dunk take.  Matt's cousin is in D's ward so we chatted for a bit.  The kids had a great time!

Q was pretty worn out and mostly wanted to go home! 

G got in line over and over to both be dunked and dunk others.

O won this on the cake walk.  Isn't that the cutest minion?

Love that little cotton candy goatee!

This little one wanted to paint his face.  He got vampire teeth and loved them!

At home we got the kids to bed then Kat and I went to the store, and frosty run!  We all stayed up talking.  It's so good to catch up.  I sure love my family!

Sunday July 21
We got up and ate, the kids played a bit.  Then Q, G and Cam got an idea to put on a performance for us so they practiced for that until we went to church.  We went to sacrament meeting then came home.

Aunt Kathy promised the kids cookies if they were good at church and she made good on her promise...

We crafted, wrote notes for Allie, for her upcoming baptism, visited more.  The kids put on their little performance for us.  I loooved this!  Q and G played a duet on the piano, Q played her own song, then Cam played a made up song.  The three boys sat and watched with us parents.  They were so cute!  I was so proud of Q, she doesn't like to be in front of people and she even messed up on her piano song, then started over... her normal reaction is to just stop playing because she messed up.  I'm glad she pushed through, on with the show.  It was totally cute!

We went over to Kendal and Wendy's for dinner and an outside movie.  Love my little brother and his cute wife!  His kids are adorable!  Little Landon gave me big squeezes!  We grilled, the kids rode bikes, we did smores, then Wendy popped a load of popcorn and we watched 'Escape From Planet Earth', I think is what it's called.  It was so fun and the kids loved the movie!  O totally asked for ring pops, he remembered that from last year's movie night... so great!  His memory surprises me at times!

Love my cute brothers... they are best buds.  I love visiting with K and W, they are a hoot and full of laughs.

Awe, love these men... they rule!  Miss them and their manliness!

Cheeto face!  This little girl has gotten so big!  She is ADorable!

Little dudes that rode to the end of the street...

K and W also invited some of their friends over too for movie night... those are the extra faces!

Monday July 22
Tapering for the marathon means just a little bit of running.  I wonder if I'm ready, if I'm doing enough, but it's nice to not have to run for forever!

We all slept in then went to the 11am movie.  We saw 'Turbo'.  It was cute!  The kids really enjoyed it.  Q was getting a bit testy today... not really appreciating cousin time, which is frustrating because we are here so little, but at the same time is understandable, we've been away for a week, she misses home.

Anyway, we enjoyed the movie, then went and ate at Wendy's, then headed to the Aquarium.  It was fun this year, especially for E, he was wowed by all of the cool fish and the octopus.  The other kids hurried through faster than he and O.  This may be our last year hitting this one, unless they get something new.  All of the sting rays had outgrown the touch tank so they only had one little baby one, which was cute, but didn't swim near the edge much, so he was hard to touch.  G was the only one who got him... 3 times!  O and E were so frustrated they didn't get to touch it!  We saw sharks and a big turtle, snakes, all sorts of fish, spiders, and penguins!

Back at home the kids played the Wii, G played lots of starcraft, both on his own and with Cam.  E got to have Friv time and O played with Gav.  They all really played well together.  They have tons of toys, plenty to keep the boys busy.  The favorites were the light sabers and swords, they played with those every day!

Kat and I went out to do a little shopping, then pick up some crafties for the kids to do, then grab some dinner from Keaders.  I started my carb loading a day early!  I got a skirt, dress and cardi as well as some accessories from DownEast, we stopped into TJMaxx to get some maxi skirts for Kat.  We had a great time!  I told you I do love to shop while I'm here right?  I did good, held back, didn't go as crazy as I usually do!

We got the kids some paint and ceramics as well as these pony bead kits.  I did these for our block party and the kids really liked them.  They were a hit again.  Q and Cam made a bunch of them.  We crafted into the night!  I did finish making the flowers that I had started for Allie.

Tuesday July 23
Got to sleep in a little again, until 8!  Love the dark media room, and not having to get up early to beat the heat!  These two boys are cracking me up... they find comfort in each other's arms, snuggling all night long!  I've actually been free from any little bodies and it's been nice!

The kids finished their crafts this morning, they all painted!  I did some clean up, the boys played the Wii, I downloaded photos, we had lunch then left Damon's house.

We stopped at SL Running Co on the way up to Lynette's.  Packet pickup was crazy, way too many people in that tiny store, mostly the parking was a joke... got my bib and chip, some replacement water containers for my running belt and a few goodies.

We got up to L's and of course started immediately jabbering!  The kids started playing, running around, chasing, we talked about changing her paint color and furniture... exciting!

I ate some food, last meal before the race, then we left to pick up pizza then go to the parade in Bountiful.  Our parade's in NY consist mostly of fire trucks and the high school band.  There are NO floats... at all!  Growing up in UT a parade isn't a parade w/o a float!  I spent summers in Lehi and remember seeing many floats at the parade.  I wanted my kids to see a float!  The Bountiful parade didn't disappoint!  It was super hot, but we had fun!  There were tons of people, the kids got a bunch of candy, I got water and Popsicles as the complaining started!  We had met up with a friend of L's and she saved us a nice spot right on the road.  It was fun!

L's cute friend busted out her own candy to throw to our kids because we thought there wouldn't be any, but then the candy came!

After the parade we went home and got ready for marathon day!  We got bags packed, my stuff ready and kids into bed.  I appreciate L so much!  I'm so glad she is willing to do this crazy thing for and with me!  She is awesome... she takes such good care of me!  Love her so much... oh AND our vouchers came so we could get our pass of all passes!  Yea!

Wednesday July 24
Up and at 'em super early.  Wrote about the marathon already.
After the race we dropped L and the kids off at her house then my kids and I headed to mom's for a little family lunch.  I grabbed all my stuff so I could shower there.  On the way we stopped at Jamba Juice and I got a big 'ol smoothie for me and little ones for the kids.

I wish I'd taken photos, but I just couldn't bring myself to go back into the house to get my camera... sore legs!  I visited for a minute then took a shower, then had to lay down just for a few minutes!  15 power nap, then off to socialize with my fam!  The kids were already off playing, this was the first we got to see Ry's family.  Also Michelle and Shawn.  Kendal came w/ the kids and Kat was there too.  It was good, we sat and chatted, there was food.  B came out later to visit with us.  It was super!  We stayed a couple of hours then went back to L's.

We changed quickly then went to 7 Peaks (old Raging Waters) to get our passes then swim.  I was hurting, not gonna lie, but the kids were so excited, and I don't mind sitting by the pool!  I think we got there around 3 or 4 by the time we got our cards and went in.  We stayed for a couple of hours.  The kids had fun going down the little slides over and over again.  It was totally crowded, but they still had fun!  We visited and laughed, such good friends even after all this time.  Love my Lenni!

After swimming we hit Taco Time per my request.  I seriously love the crisp bean burrito.  It is such a treat!  The boys love the tater tots and I tried my first dirty diet Coke.  I guess it's supposed to be a drink with Dr. Pepper, but they didn't have diet so I went with Coke.  They add coconut syrup and lime to it.  It's pretty good!  I tried it also w/ Dr. Pepper the following night, both are fine by me!

Lynette works pretty hard to be the favorite and this is one of the ways she does it... nails!  Q has been trying to grow out her nails and she remembers L's story of getting $1 for each nail that grew over her finger.  L took the time to do her nails, quite special.  She told her I never do stuff like that with her... nice!  L showed us how to seriously glitter your nails and did Q's toes, they look awesome!  Love that she is so good to us.  Love that my girl has yet another great woman to look up to and trust.

We finished the night off with fireworks in the neighborhood.  Joey was a rockstar and lit them all off, the next door neighbor was doing them too, so we had quite the entertainment!  E was so tired he told me he was ready to go!  We walked home a little early... like 9:30 or 10 and got into bed.  The kids were asleep before we finished prayers!

Q got to take a turn lining up the little fireworks... so big! 


I was so stinkin' tired, I fell right into bed and slept hard.  I only woke to turn over a couple of times, of which shot streaks of pain all through my legs!  Can't wait till the soreness is over!  Overall a busy and wonderful 24th of July!