Family Photos and Heart Bangles

It's raining here today...
This morning was another dramatic morning, every morning has been this week.
Maybe it's the bewitching season... I may need an exorcism for my daughter!
Oh give me strength!!!  Curse you 5th grade!

Speaking of crazy behavior... I had to have a talk with my G last night, after I was called by another mother... because he had said something mean to the girl who sits next to him.  What the crap?  This is G... he's like the nicest kid... or I thought! 

It must be something in the air.

On a more pleasant note I updated my blog for CCMcAfee Photography.  Check out this cute family.
Do you have any photography questions, needs that I can address here on my blog?  Let me know!

Also I have been adding and replenishing stock at CCMakesStuff.  My store is a combination of handmade items and boutique items.  And, this week I'm going to sell items from my closet on there... no need to have multiple stores.

Here is a darling bracelet that I love to group with other gold bangels.  Check it out here...