Flashback... March 2012

My intentions for Flashback Friday's are to go back and fill in holes of our history, or my history, that are missing.  
I don't scrapbook like I used to.  I'm trying to get back there, but I just don't do it as much as I used to.
The part that I will always appreciate about that hobby are the words, the story.  
I will always find a creative outlet, but if I don't write my story, my kids story, I will forget it.
Will they still see evidence of love and remember happiness, even if I don't?  Sure.  
But, the details of who they are right now will be so foreign to them as they grow.  I find value in connecting the who they are now, to who they will become.

I went back to look at this blog from March of 2012... two posts are what I found!  Sweet!  
Nor are these images printed out and placed anywhere.  Here they sit on my computer.  
So, they are making their debut, someday to be printed out into our family blog book.

March 14, 2012
On this particular day, in March... (that looks like a nice spring day... which is SO not like the March of this year) we headed outside to work on teaching O to ride his little green bike.  I had gotten training wheels, so we tried to get them put on.

My little guys wanted to help, so we got the tools out and worked on O's bike while we waited for the bigger two to come home from school.

'Mom can I do it?'  I can still hear O's little voice. 
 Those are the moments I think 'Where is my camera?'
I gave them the tools and let them at it.  What are they going to hurt?  
These two worked on O's little bike together, turning things, seeing what the different sized wrenches would fit onto.  They had a great time working!  They make a great team.

We had to wait for Matt to do it.  I got the trainers on, but every time O would turn on one side, the part that attaches to the bike would come undone.  He got frustrated that he'd feel all safe and balanced, until he turned around!

He rode his little bike for the summer, but last summer we kept having problems with the chain for the whole blasted season.  No matter how far back we tried to pull that back wheel the chain kept popping off. Poor O waited and waited for that bike to stop breaking on him!  He gave up and he's now a scooter man.
We'll get him riding a bike this year!

Back to the story... The kids came home and stayed outside with us.  Before we knew it a bunch of friends from our street were at our house playing, doing chalk art!
I'm happy to have the party at my house!  I love having the kids home.  I always stock plenty of Popsicle and snacks for this reason.
They all drew on our driveway, in the beautiful spring sunshine.  What a great day!

O's new bike helmet, which he wore even though he couldn't ride his bike.

My little E's artwork.  They all had their very own square to draw in.

Q's giant flower in process.

I love my little buddies.  My baby goes to Kindergarten this fall.  It makes me so sad.  I love being home with my kiddies, my buds.  I don't know what I'll do with myself.  We all joke that it will really be fabulous, but I have a hunch there will be many tears that drip from my eyes... I don't want my house to empty out yet...

People say these years go too fast.  They do, and they are the best years.  I love to see my kids learn and grow, to see how their little personalities change and evolve.  I love to see who they are becoming.  They are such a large part of what makes my life complete and happy.

I love to watch them play outside, jump on the trampoline with them, hear them laugh.  
I love to be loved by them, to snuggle with them, to lift them when they are low, to teach them how to handle disappointments.  It is so fulfilling to me.
Being their mom is my greatest blessing... and I love that I'm here to experience it.