Hormones, Disaster and WIW

Hello Wednesday!  I'm so glad you are here!  Sometimes the solution to feeling good again is just a new day!

Man, last night the wheels were falling off!  It's funny how something that may have no affect on you one day will be the very thing to 'break' you the next!  It all depends on all the other factors that have been in play that day!

Last night I was just ready to be done, and normally I say nothing and go cry or write or vent on my own.  I said goodnight to my man and was about to head downstairs.  
Really, after so many years of trying to change I still surprise myself.  Why wouldn't I just tell my best friend that I need a hug, that I just feel like crying?  
I mentioned that I was 'all done' for today.
Just like he always is willing to do, he took me in, loved me better, listened, offered solutions.
I love my man.
As I headed downstairs to finish some things up I heard my Q breakdown a bit...
And he did it all again for his other girl.
We are lucky to have some stability in Matt!  He helps temper our hormones and emotions!!!

This was part of the disaster that piled onto my 'craziness' yesterday!
Don't judge!!!
Like EVERY piece of clothing is out in our house!!!
I am going through our closets, cleaning out sizes, seasons, getting hand me downs out, taking inventory.  What. a. mess!!!
Something I so look forward to in our new home are closets, big closets!!!  Where I can hang all of my clothes!

Now on to what I've been wearing lately...
... to church

love this sheer top and the flat ruffles on the front

... out and about with cool fall air 

... back to warm days 

... just changed into pants for the cool night

... bring on the cardigans, loooove them

Linked up: let it shine, the pleated poppy, random wedensday