Wednesday's Photo Link Party!

School started yesterday.
This is my first year with all my kids in school.
My littlest is in K this year.
I was sad yesterday, but honestly more sad the day E graduated from pre-k.
It is hard to feel sad when they are just so excited!
I'm more sad that a stage of my life is officially over!
More on that later this week... promise, the post is already started!  Oh yeah, look at me go!

We have been good.  There is much catching up to do.
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed so I just tell myself, 'Start where you are, if you want to go back later fine, but start from where you are!'

Here is where I am today... 
Taking you over to my photography blog for a Favorite Photo Linkup!
You don't have to be pro!  Come share your favorite photo from the week, and the story that goes with them!

You can read all about it over there!
I hope you'll stop by.

Here is my favorite photo from last week, the story is here...

Here also are some peeks from my recent maternity shoot...

These inspired me to go edit one of my own maternity photos... read about it here.