WIW - 50's Dress, Patterned Pants and Leggings

Hello friends!

How are we doing?  

It has been rainy here the last two days... Buffalo really would be a great place for vampires to dwell, seeing the sun shine is such a rare occurrence!

What holds me together in spans like this?  Getting dressed and going out!

I'd turn into a ball of angry frenzy, then a puddle of depressed mush if I let the weather take control of me!  Getting dressed helps, getting out into the fresh air, albeit without any sun, helps!

Days like this I cling to the thought of me in my big cozy chair, reading in the sun, just 2 days ago.  It helps me savor fleeting moments.

Here is what I've been wearing lately.

I got this fun dress while in UT this summer.  I love the 50's feel of it.

I styled it right along the feel of the dress with a french twist in my hair, pearls and pumps.

Of course I need a little pizzaz some place so my pumps are oxblood alligator!

PS: here is a quick video of me putting my hair, yes all of my lovely locks, up into a french twist.

Never you mind the children in the background and sweet hubs filming!

Oh, and disclaimer... I'm just a goof in front of the camera!

Also recently...

I've been pattern mixing, rocking the patterned pants.

I just love camo pants.  They rule!

I got this tee in a coral print, from Target, goes great with these pants!

See my chafing?  That is a little souvenir from the marathon!

Some polka dot pants... The pattern really does sort of dissolve from far away, so I think you can wear them with just about anything.

Remember when I made my own polka dot pants?

Like my wet hair?  Thought so.  I'm all about cute sweatshirts this year.

... And I'm all about leggings and jeggings!

Of course, to me they are appropriate with long tops, that cover my booty!

Like this one.  And how about that huge scarf?  It's like wearing a blanket!

Mmmmmmm, cozy!

These jeggings are the bomb!  I got them from BJ's, which is our Costco, Sam's, wholesale equivalent.

They have more support and hold than leggings, thicker fabric, but really are as comfy.  I feel more comfortable in these for sure.

Here I paired these oxblood one's with this cream top, a mustard scarf, and booties.

PS: Remember when oxblood was called maroon?

I found these two images hiding out.

I wore this for a church evening event.  I bought this skirt, but didn't realize it would be this color.  Wasn't so sure I liked it, so I challenged myself to make it work.

This is fine!

And when all else fails a simple top with simple bottoms works!

Summer is officially a gonner!

How about you?  Do you pattern mix?  Leggings or Jeggings?  What is your go-to up do?