Testing Creativity... Zipper Heart

Do you sometimes just grab stuff because it's cheap?

I do... all of the time!

I'm not always sure what I'll do with it, but I am a sucker for a great deal!

This year I am trying to harness this desire I have, to buy things, because they are a great deal!

I'm trying to just buy what I need!

It's a whole new year...


... I can do this!

I don't make clothing, but I bought all of this red zipper, because it was clearance cheap.

I love to test my creativity, or challenge myself, to create something out of something new.

I figured I could make a hair accessory with it, or something like that.

I ended up making this zipper heart.  Nice use of the zipper right?

I do love it.  It has been part of my Valentine decor now for a few years.

Here is how I did it...

I got me a flat piece of canvas, cut out a giant heart (out of poster board), and traced that heart onto the canvas with pencil.

I started at the bottom and used hot glue to attach the zipper to the canvas.

I layed the zipper down and cut the edges on a diagonal according to my pencil lines.

I then went back to glue that same piece down.

I thought you could maybe glue the zipper to the giant poster board heart then cut it out, and attach that to canvas, but with all of the teeth you have to be particular about where the metal hits the edges of the heart.

I worked my way up, being careful to match up my lines along the top curves.  

You can see that it isn't totally perfect, but I'm ok with that.

It is a different idea.  I've still not seen anything like it!  I



Here it is all center stage in my front room.

I love February!