3 and 4/40

This week is a 'two-fer'!  

Since I didn't post last week I'm sharing two new things I've done that were new experiences for me.  

3 - Pay It Forward

While in UT I purchased an extra water park ticket by mistake.  Instead of asking for a refund I went ahead and gave my ticket to a random lady who was standing in line.  It wasn't a huge thing, but it saved her some money that day.  

I have never paid it forward, this was my first time.  I'll have to try it again, maybe in a bigger, more significant way.

I asked the nice lady if I could take a photo of her ticket, to mark my moment!


4 - Take An Art Class

My family is artistic.  We get that from my mom!  It has taken different forms in each of us, music, creativity, dance, writing, and art.  My mom is a very talented artist.  Very talented, I'll share that with you some time.  My little brother is also very talented in the realm of art.  

It should be in my blood somewhere, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I really liked taking this art class.

This was initially supposed to be for the kids.  Lenni and I were going to shop while they were artistic.  When the instructor said we could do it to, we decided it would be fun, and it was!

I painted a copycat version of an artist that I need to credit - I will find out who it is!  I like how my painting turned out and it was a very meditative, rewarding activity.  I may try it again!  

My kids had never taken an art class either, from a private studio like this.  They had a great time, even E, who refused to try in the beginning.