DIY Halloween Wreath - Yarn and Skeleton

This wreath is the easiest to make, and it's inexpensive too!

I found this cool yarn as I was checking out at JoAnn's.  It reminds me of shag carpet.  I grabbed a few skeins of it, because I like it so much. (Red Heart Boutique - Fizzle)

I wasn't sure what to do with it.  

Sometimes a creative just needs something new to get the wheels turning.  Turns out there is a bunch of stuff to do with this yarn and Halloween is a great time of year to use it!  

This post is about how I made a wreath with it.

I used a straw wreath, that I already had, 2 skeins of this yarn, ribbon, and a skeleton, that I got at JoAnn's as well, oh and some craft wire too.

All you do is wrap this yard around your straw wreath.  Really, that's it.  Are you disappointed it isn't harder?  I held onto the end as I began wrapping.  No glue needed.  I kept that end out so I could tie it off when I was done.

straw wreath

With some yarn wreaths we want the yarn to look all nice and neat as we wrap it.  Not the case with this wreath.  Wrap as messy as you want.  In fact I recommend going around, not making the yarn touch as you go.  You will go around it a couple of times, to fill in the blank area's.  If you wrap to cover the straw the first time around you end up with a lot of yarn bulk on the inside circle of the wreath.  Space it out, and go around multiple times.

yarn wreath

As you pass that start piece of yarn, tie it to the yarn you are wrapping.

With one skein I got around almost 2 times.  I used 2 skeins of yarn.  Just tie the new piece onto a strand of yarn and start going around again.  Tie the end piece of yarn to any yarn on the wreath. 

The beauty is you really won't be able to see any starts and stops!  Fab!  

yarn wreath, Halloween wreath

I went on a hunt for what to put on my wreath.  I found this perfect size skeleton.  It is scaled just right for this wreath.  I also bought paper napkins, thinking I'd make a flower or something out of them.

As I put the skeleton on there I decided that was enough.  I attached him at three different points, with crafting wire.  I put some at his neck, then wrapped it tight at the back of the wreath.  I did that in two other places.

I sifted through my ribbon and found a black and white stripe.  I tied that around my wreath and hung it up.

Done and done!  Easy, cute, fabulous, festive!

halloween wreath, skeleton wreath
Halloween wreath, yarn wreath, skeleton wreath

Pin it!  Save it!  Make one for yourself!  I'd love to see what you do with yours!

halloween wreath, diy wreath, yarn wreath, skeleton wreath