Mirror Mirror on the Wall - DIY Feather Boa Mirror

My Q has been asking me for a while to redecorate her room.

She'd love if I repainted!  I won't!  I don't see the need upstairs.  She says she's over pink... I say pink goes with many things, let's just adjust a few other things.

I plan to do a post on the whole re-decorate.

But, just to give you an idea, here is this project.

As we were walking around the craft store looking for inspiration, we looked at mirrors, Q mentioned she'd like to have a full length mirror in her room. 

She is getting pretty fashion savvy, getting older, cares what she looks like, all tweeny stuff... or plain girl stuff I guess!

A mirror huh?  I stood there looking at this fabulous zebra framed mirror.  It wasn't full length.

The wheels started turning though.

We were almost finished, but went back to get two black feather boas.

How fun would it be to have a feather mirror?  It would be so easy to do also...

Indeed it was easy!

We did it right when we got home from shopping.

I bought an inexpensive (really $5) mirror from Target and figured we could glue those two feather boas around the outside to create a feather boa mirror.

Q plugged in the glue gun and we got started.

Just a few minutes later we had her mirror finished!

The hardest part was figuring out where to hang it!

cheapy, plain, full length mirror

two feather boas (not the leafy feather, the smooth feather)

let the gluing begin...

it took less than the full two boa's to cover around the mirror

One super happy girl!  She LOVES this mirror!!!

Here is where we chose to hang it... notice the new curtains too... got those up the same day.

This project was super easy, and this mirror is darling!  I love it too!

Still waiting for the new bedding and rug to arrive, then we'll have a big reveal!!!

Be sure to pin this... and make one for your little girl... or yourself!