People Who Get It

Wowza, it's been a couple of weeks since I've posted on a Monday!

I have been active, but honestly I've slowed way down!

Returning home from vacation, finding a new routine, just needing some time off, have all been factors.  It's nice to just let everything go, mostly mentally, for a minute.  It's good to just get out and enjoy the sun, and it's good if I just want to miss a day.  That break has been good.

I've been running, I've been biking and this past weekend I even did the Dirty Girl which included some obstacling... ya like that word?

32 miler w/ Molly

Dirty Girl with my girls from church!

I'm not sure what this fall will bring.  I hoped to do a triathalon, but at this point it's a no-go, unless I find one in a really warm place!

As for a fall marathon, that is still in the works, I just need to get my butt in gear and get back on a running schedule.  I'm thinking about doing the Harrisburg, PA marathon.  Anyone run that one?  What did you think?  The following weekend is the Philadelphia, PA marathon.

  That one would be a cool one to run.  We'll see.  I need to decide soon.


While I was out in UT I was catching up on old RW magazines that I've not read.

I read an article about the terrorist attack in the 1972 Olympics, from the perspective of one of the marathon athletes. 

It was a great article, two things in particular that I liked...

1) As Moore looks back at his own performance of that race he wonders only for a moment what factors could've been different for a different outcome... but he says he doesn't thing about it much, he's never been haunted by his race... 'A marathoner cuts his losses and keeps on.'

True right?  There is always another race to run, another outing to 'best', you just keep running.

2) He was talking about the Olympic athletes who were waiting to compete, but were not allowed to for a time because of obvious dangers.  He talks about their preparation, their level of training... he said, 'To run here in Olympia meant enormous luck in talent and coaching, but above all it meant aspiration.  It was the ultimate in shooting high.  And the higher we went, the fewer people went with us, the fewer people understood.'

I'm no Olympian, by any means.  I don't even think I classify as 'elite', but still I get that.  At whatever level, with whatever you are involved in, it seems only the people who are peers with you, at your same level, 'get it'.  They get the 'crazy', they understand the 'need', they too are addicted, if you will to whatever you too are on!

This is why I loved meeting up with Haley in UT.  The night before I was out with my girlfriends and I told them I was getting up early to go run 10 miles with my running buddy.  Of course they thought I was crazy!  Of course they would, it may very well be crazy!  But Haley gets it!  She too is on the running drug!

It was sooo good to visit with her, to run together... someday maybe we'll get to race together.

Whatever your pleasure, be it lifting weights, running, cycling, zumba, weight loss, it is priceless to have someone who gets it.  There are highs, there are lows, there are exciting moments, there are goals.  Someone to share with makes it rewarding... and makes you feel normal!

So, I'm starting a Fitness Friends link up.

As people link up here I hope it will provide you with an opportunity to meet new people, to connect... with people who get it, whatever 'it' is for you!

Get started by grabbing a button and putting it on your blog, or linking back to this blog somehow.