Visiting Teaching Conference - March Message printables

This past Sunday we had our visiting teaching conference.

We had all the men and youth sub in primary, so all of the sisters could gather together in Relief Society.

We talked about the history of visiting teaching, how it has evolved and it's purpose along with importance.

We had sisters share experiences, how being or having a visiting teacher has influenced them.


Daughters In My Kingdom

there is a whole section on visiting teaching.  This is something unique to our faith.  It is a tool that not only connects us deeply as a congregation, as we serve and visit each other, it gives us opportunities to minister as our Savior did.

We want to help and support however we can!

I created bookmarks, on one side are the 9 ways we can love, watch over and strengthen each other, taken from



(ways to be a successful visiting teacher)

The flip side has 12 different ideas for getting it done!

Each month I will create a cute handout, so those who want to use it already have something done, to take with them.

As I dropped a friend off at their apartment, after sacrament meeting, I watcher her help someone inside, who was in a wheelchair.  It struck me tenderly, that no matter our background, current situation, no matter our ethnicity or demographic, service is a way for


of us to feel the power of our Savior.  By loving as He does, giving as He does, reaching as He would, we become His disciples.  This is a gift He has giving to us, to feel His power as we serve God's children.

The theme of the visiting teaching messages have been 'Attributes of Jesus Christ'.  Beautiful!

This month is patience.

I created this little handout with a quote on it from the message.

I decided to add a tootsie pop as the treat to go with it.

The thinking behind it being that all too often we crunch into the sucker, getting to the center, but miss out on prolonged sweetness as we choose that.  

Patience is enduring well, finding sweetness, growing, giving, even if things aren't the way we hoped they would be, or even though we are struggling.  It is enjoying the process as we work towards whatever is 'in the center'.

I added this note from the

Tootsie site

on the back of this handout.

I tied a sucker onto each handout.

You can either print off and individual handout from above, or here they are on a sheet all together.