G money

I've been meaning to post this for weeks.
Have you seen this game? (bloxorzgames)
Matt introduced it to G and the kid LOVES it... and has mastered it!
They started doing it together, then G just wanted to do it himself.
He can go to board 20 by himself!
He is 4!!!
I can't help him! Sometimes when he's stuck I'll move the block around, like I know what I'm doing, and he'll say, that's where it needs to be thanks mom! Mind you I don't know how I did it!

It's interesting to see how much these two are alike.
G even has an emerging sense of humor like his dads.
Although, sometimes he doesn't know how funny he is and he feels laughed at.
He is also very sensitive, which I appreciate.
He keeps us on the straight and narrow, he is an obedient child, he loves the gospel and remembers what we teach him. We love having him in our family.

Matt's newest venture with G is checkers, so they can play together.
G is WAY into it! Wants to play 24-7. He doesn't quite have the strategy down yet, but has got the concept. He doesn't like that he can only go one direction, so now he prefers to play with those that don't make him play by the rules! He is all about 'king me', and does quite well knowing which moves will get him out.

He has said this spring he wants to try soccer, because 'I'm good at that game'. I think he'll also do well in Tball. He enjoys going down to the basement with M to shoot hoops and kick the ball.

He loves the movie Kung Fu Panda and has taken up kung fu!
He still doesn't eat much, but we are making headway. He'll at least take a bite and TRY some new things.

Love this boy!

carolyn mcafee6 Comments