I did it...
I did it! I have kept my goal for a week!
It started w/ a blog read which inspired the thought to write down a 'thankful' each day. This person had bought a book, but my thought is if I can type it, then I can just print my book at the end of the year.
I also have included a 'study time' thought. I don't know all there is to know about the scriptures, but I enjoy studying them, and continue to learn. Although I don't know everything... yet... I do know how to apply what I learn to my life. I wanted a place to record that and as long as I'm writing what I'm thankful for, well, may as well write what I'm learning. Last, I want to take a photo each day. I want to improve my photography. I want to think about what I am capturing for my own life. They may reflect thoughts and feelings, they may just be for practice, they may reflect family life. Doesn't matter, I want to take one everyday.
I want to write every day, but may not post each day. It's that having to leave the computer mid-thought thing. Life operates that way!
But, I did it! Hope to continue to! The link to that blog is on my side bar, it's called 'for me'.
E is sick. Poor kid.
Q got her desk moved at school, may have been my email that prompted that. She says she is less distracted (talking) and has gotten her work done these last couple of days. She had a play date taken away this week because her school work wasn't done at school! Heaven help me! She has a birthday party to go to tonight. I need to brave the snow and go get a gift!
O loves preschool! I love that he loves it! He was so excited to bring home his goodie bag yesterday to share w/ his big siblings! Cute!
G still loves chips! He could eat them all day every day if I let him! He is loving having his DS and the Wii.
Finished the painting! Almost done with getting my mantle set up. Need to hang photos and decor, then I'll post photos. I need a new rug too. I'm sold though, so happy with the change!
Met w/ a potential bride yesterday, September is the month it would seem! She is the third bride asking to book for 2012. Fortunately their date is not yet booked!
Have a baby shoot tomorrow. Need to gather my things for that.
It started w/ a blog read which inspired the thought to write down a 'thankful' each day. This person had bought a book, but my thought is if I can type it, then I can just print my book at the end of the year.
I also have included a 'study time' thought. I don't know all there is to know about the scriptures, but I enjoy studying them, and continue to learn. Although I don't know everything... yet... I do know how to apply what I learn to my life. I wanted a place to record that and as long as I'm writing what I'm thankful for, well, may as well write what I'm learning. Last, I want to take a photo each day. I want to improve my photography. I want to think about what I am capturing for my own life. They may reflect thoughts and feelings, they may just be for practice, they may reflect family life. Doesn't matter, I want to take one everyday.
I want to write every day, but may not post each day. It's that having to leave the computer mid-thought thing. Life operates that way!
But, I did it! Hope to continue to! The link to that blog is on my side bar, it's called 'for me'.
E is sick. Poor kid.
Q got her desk moved at school, may have been my email that prompted that. She says she is less distracted (talking) and has gotten her work done these last couple of days. She had a play date taken away this week because her school work wasn't done at school! Heaven help me! She has a birthday party to go to tonight. I need to brave the snow and go get a gift!
O loves preschool! I love that he loves it! He was so excited to bring home his goodie bag yesterday to share w/ his big siblings! Cute!
G still loves chips! He could eat them all day every day if I let him! He is loving having his DS and the Wii.
Finished the painting! Almost done with getting my mantle set up. Need to hang photos and decor, then I'll post photos. I need a new rug too. I'm sold though, so happy with the change!
Met w/ a potential bride yesterday, September is the month it would seem! She is the third bride asking to book for 2012. Fortunately their date is not yet booked!
Have a baby shoot tomorrow. Need to gather my things for that.