Restless... I Need Some Change

We get to this time of year and I get so restless.
I feel like I need a change.
Surely it's the weather... We've had a taste of warmth and I'm ready to jump into warmer weather, being outside, more sunshine... I'm done with drab, I need a change of energy.

Lame that I can't control the weather!
It's snowing today!

I'm thinking of cutting my hair, maybe we should move, change, I need change...

Sometimes it helps me to fend off these drastic feelings (surely I'd miss my hair within a good 5 minutes) with changing little things... to help hold me over until that change I've been waiting for comes... it should at least be here by fall!!! :)

I changed the bedspread and pillows in our bedroom.  It feels better, brighter, a good change for spring and summer... do you change out your bedding?  It's an accessory, totally changeable!

I'm very into this coral and blue combo for my room at the moment.  It used to be green and blue, then I went to red and blue, now it's coral and blue.  See, you pick a color you love and instead of reinventing the wheel every time you want a change, or repainting, you just re-accessorize!

This trail of thoughts leads me to remember that I hope to, at some point, update that little tab that shares my home with you... someday...

I also recently put up a new shower curtain in our main upstairs bathroom.  I had hearts in there for February.  I was ready for a change.  Again, another inexpensive way to change the feeling of a room.  This change is helping me remember spring will be here soon, even though it doesn't feel like it right now!

Last thing I did was organize my candy this week, yes I just said that, I'm crazy that way... so it can look cute like this with each season... (I added green and white to the Valentine pink.)...

Anyway, organizing candy, which took me to our big candy bucket... that has all of the 'eh' candy left over from Valentines, Halloween, parties, whatever.  It was time to trash a bunch of it.  I am a lover of candy, like, have to have it every. day. lover!

You know what candy I think straight up stinks?  Those Twizzler ropes, you know the pieces of plastic that look like the cross-section of cable?  What is that after taste?  It's like that wax lips candy, mixed with lemon cleaner don't you think?  

I'll go ahead and advertise for them though, just so you know what candy I think is disgusting!

You know what else got trashed because it is just plain gross?  Banana Laffy Taffy.
I love taffy, all versions: Laffy Taffy, Salt Water Taffy, old fashioned... no one should ever ruin any candy by trying to infuse it with fake banana flavor.

Also does anyone like the chocolate flavored Tootsie Pop?  Really?  Garbage!

You know what else I don't like?  Whoppers.  BUT, I LOVE Robin Eggs, which are the same thing, only that outer coating makes all of the difference.  MMmmmmm.

I also threw away candy that was obviously old!  You know, you keep most of it in there... they don't know how old it is... unless it has started sticking to it's own packaging or discoloring! :)

Most candy is still my favorite candy... it is really tough to deter this sugar connoisseur!

There, I feel better already!  No need to chop my hair... although I still want to move.  But I should be good for a few more weeks before I get restless again.  Hopefully spring will be here by then!