As of Late... But Not Recently

We are having so much fun on our vacation.  We miss our daddy who has gone back home, and, looking through these photos, I miss our home, but we are having so much fun!

Before too much time goes by I want to get these images recorded, what was going on just before school let out.

One Saturday E pulled out this workbook and these two sat here for a good 30 minutes doing math problems because it was fun!

Memorial Day was great for us.  One highlight was seeing G march with the band.  I volunteered to be a water girl, and got to walk the whole route with him.  I was pumped, it's a cool feeling, marching with the band.  He did great.  It was so hot!

I needed a craft night so Melissa came over and we made some cards.  It takes me a while to get back into paper crafting every time I step away from it (because I seem to step away for so long), but it was fun.  I need to carve time out for it at least a couple times a month.

The other highlight of Memorial Day was our family bike ride.  I have waited years for this!!!  We are all riding now, we all have bikes, and it was so glorious to be out together... until we turned around and rode into the wind!  At that point it turned into 'when will this be over', 'I hate this', so G and I rode back to get the van so we could relieve everyone!

I attended Meals On Wheels - Breakfast of Hope again this year.  I brought my cute friend Audrey.  I asked her to be featured with me in this year's media.  It was so fun to see us in this years video.  Then M spoke and talked about my dear friend Florence.  I sat and cried.  I still miss my friend.

Here is the video we are in...

We were able to catch up with our friends (old neighbors) for dinner recently.  It was great catching up, and hanging out in the old neighborhood.

I had to drop photos off to a client mid-day.  The boys had to come with me.  Traffic was pretty rough, but they made the best of it by pulling out battleship.  I keep travel games in my car, it has saved me many times!  This photo also captures the wood I picked up on the side of the road, that stayed in my car for a few days!

We have also been quite into Alone as of late and the kids and I watch Once Upon a Time together.  I love snuggling on the couch with my kiddos for movie time.  I love when they don't argue about what to watch!