Summer Vacation - part 2

Friday - Weeds, Lunch and Friends

In the morning M helped my mom with her yard while I ran.  Mom and I used the morning to finish baptism prep, bought food, filled frames, and cut weeds.  

I'll tell you all about the baptism in a separate post.  I was a little stressed at the thought of not being able to decorate how I wanted!  It is a special day and should be decorated as such, in my mind!  I found a way to make it work, bringing out only photos of my boy.  

Mason jars filled with weeds were at the center of my tables.  My mom and I went and cut these Friday morning.  It is a cost effective, disposable way to decorate.

We met Matt's brother and his family for lunch.  Our nephew recently graduated and had a birthday so we took him out to celebrate.  Lunch at TX Roadhouse, all the rolls we could eat.  And in true McAfee style we made C sit on the saddle while we sang to him, yep, he's now 18!!  It was great!  We went back to their house to visit and spend time with them.  We had dessert and sang to C again.

That evening we met some of our dearest friends for dinner and a visit.  M and I were so full from lunch, still!  

It is always so good to catch up with old friends.  They hold a special place in our hearts.  Time passes, kids grow, life changes, but still that connection holds.  These people that know you from what seems like another life, know a side of you that few people do.  It is something to treasure and value, for sure.

After dinner we went back to my mom's where we sat outside to visit.  My mom has such a beautiful yard, it was wonderful.  Jordan did have to move 20 times to dodge the sunshine, but we all enjoyed that!  We sat and talked for hours.  We caught up on jobs, how families are, the fact that Michelle finally swore!!!  We tried to say goodbye and talked inside for another 10 minutes, then walked everyone out, and talked for another 10 minutes!  

It was so good to be together.  I'm so glad these guys made time to be with us.  

The kids were fabulous, hanging out at gma's house, leaving us alone so we could have 'us' time.

Saturday - Baptism and Cooper Fun

Saturday was a special day!  We set up the church early and got ready for the baptism.

It was a special day, O getting baptized, but also it was overwhelming to see all of our family, all in one spot, one after the other.  We haven't seen them for a couple of years.  It was a slice of heaven right there, loving, hugging our sweet family.

My nephew baptized O.  It was his first baptism.  He did a great job, it was so special.

After the baptism we had a Cooper day.  While M is here we are mainly with his family, but we set aside this day to have time with my side and him.

We went to Hillsdale park and played and played.  We had so much fun!  The little kids played on the playground and the rest of us played kickball for like an hour!!!  It was awesome!  All the big boys had plenty of room to kick the guts out of the kickball.  There were awesome catches, kicks, outs and plays.  The little kids did great with us.  I'm so happy Q actually played with us!  It was so much fun!

You'll have to forgive these photos.  I called to my sis to take photos, but my settings were off.  They are all overexposed!

After kickball some played boche ball, some of us visited, we made a plan for the evening.  We started playing ultimate frisbee, but didn't have much time, plus I got hit in the face with the frisbee.  That always puts a damper on the play.  

I was cut in three different places inside and out, and it took all night for it to stop bleeding.  Mostly I couldn't stop laughing, so I kept splitting the front of it open!

Kids all stayed at grandmas, or somewhere else, while the adults went out to eat.  Matt still is talking about his glorious diet Coke with lime.  It was so delicious he keeps trying to duplicate it, to no avail!

After our yummy dinner we decided we couldn't go home, the kids were having too great a time w/o us there!  We went over to my mom's church and played this movie title charades game.  FUNNIEST. NIGHT. EVER.

I wish I just had a photo of all of us huddled in the lobby, laughing our guts out, acting like crazy people!  It was hilarious.  My throat hurt after from all of the laughter.  Notable movie titles: When Harry Met Sally, Escape to Witch Mountain and Wizard of Oz.

It was fabulous being with my family.  

After we broke it up and said our goodbye's our little family headed up to Washington Terrace.